Thursday, August 10, 2006

8/10 doc update

Well doc gave the greenlight to go to work on Monday but I figured I'd have to jump through some kind of hoop. I wasn't wrong, the human resources rep from the plant called and said I have to be evaluated by the company shrink but the earliest she can see me is Sept. 1st.. So at least 3 more weeks of no shift differential or overtime pay. I also got turned down for a loan from my bank. I need it to get caught up on my mortgage and medical bills, here's the kicker I got turned down because I'm behind on my mortgage. I do have the opportunity to appeal so I'm gonna do that.

Funny before the HR rep called I was thinking of the things I could have done while I was off like get a tan or loose a few lbs. So look out, when I get back you won't even recognize me.

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