Sunday, August 06, 2006

Fast Sunday

My day yesterday only got more interesting. I felt pretty good (normal? What is that?). I meant to go to bed early so I wouldn't be tired and talk myself out of going to church but I was still up at about midnight when the power went out in my neighborhood. I have plenty of flashlights and candles so I was good there. I went out and chatted with the neighbors and they didn't know anything about why the power was out. There was a strong-ish wind and some lightning but nothing that seemed major.

I unplugged everything in the house and turned off the AC. I sat on the couch and it was quiet. It was so quiet, no TV, no computers, no fridge, no fans, nothing. That kind of quiet is so loud, ya know? I didn't want to go to sleep, I was afraid I wouldn't wake up in time for church. So I'm lookin' at the cat, what do we do now? I saw my scriptures open over by the computer from earlier and was prompted to read. I got them, sat on the couch and started to read. At first I couldn't concentrate it was too quiet so I read aloud, it seemed so loud the sound of my voice in the silence. I just read at random, first picking some scriptures that have a lot of meaning for me and then just flipping through reading here and there. I think the power was out a little over an hour. I got the clock plugged in and prepared for bed. I knelt to thank my Heavenly Father for that day and felt his love so strong as to be overwhelming. He confirmed in my mind that I needed to be at church and share my testimony. I can't fully express the emotions of that experience.

It seemed to take forever for me to fall asleep but I did just in time for the alarm blah blah.

Sometimes when I go to church I get a little overwhelmed at how many people are there and I get a little anxious. I felt pretty good this morning, hugged and shook hands and smiled and said hi. I saw my ex husbands mother and we sat together and visited a bit.

The drill at church goes as follows. A member of the bishopric gets up and says a few words, we have an opening prayer by a member and we sing a hymn. The bishopric says a few more words and we sing the sacrament hymn and the sacrament is blessed and passed. Then on fast Sunday (the first Sunday of the month) the members are given the rest of the hour to stand and share their testimony if they wish to. I wish I could share them all with you. I can only say that there are no coincidences and that I know I was meant to be there to hear what I heard and to share my testimony as well. At the close of the meeting we sing another hymn and a closing prayer is offered by a member of the church.

I have to mention this because it was just to cute and because I can make a short story long if I want too. My friend Tammy has a little girl who has downs syndrome and she is just the most beautiful handful you ever saw. I was sitting a few rows back from them and when we were singing the hymns I could hear her sweet voice above the others, she had her own words and she followed the melody about a beat behind but it was still the sweetest song in the room. Who can be anxious?

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