Sunday, July 23, 2006

And now for something completely different

I can't tell a joke to save my life. I just ruin it from the get go, so I don't tell em'.

So here is a story. So far only 2 people think it's funny, that is me and my very funny coworker,R, who picks on me all the time.

Anyhow I'm at work sitting at my station entering data or something and two coworkers, K and G, are standing by me having a conversation that I'm kinda half way listening to. G says " My brother is a lineman". I perked up and said "for the county?" He looked at me like I was stupid and said "no not for the county". K was looking lost as well. So I just tee heed to myself.

Cut to the kitchen not long after. There is a handful of people in there doing the lunch thing and I'm sittin' there. R sits across from me. G is over talking to someone about his brother again and says "My brother is a lineman" and R not missing a beat pipes up and says "For the county?" I just about fell out of my chair. I said laughing and barely breathing " I just said that." There we are just the two of us laughing our asses off in front of a room of very confused people.

Now if you don't get it, tooooo bad.

We still laugh about it. At 3am on night shift R will IM me "My brother is a lineman" and I'll IM him back "For the county?" And we just laugh and creep everybody out, I love it.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Do you have that song on your mp3 player? You should!! ....and I drive the main road....