Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A spiritual experience - Orlando Florida Temple

It may not show sometimes but I have a spirituality deep inside me. I have wanted to share some of my spiritual experiences. This one is very meaningful to me and I use the memory and the feelings it brings to remind me of who I am.

The company bought an FT-IR , which is really cool. It was my job to get it installed, do some method development, get it calibrated and ready to run. We have a great technical department at one of our other facilities and I took full advantage of it, soaking up all the info I could. I came to point where I needed some more technical information pertaining directly to the instrument and it's funtions, particularly macro writing to simplify the actual testing, that way the ananlyst had only to press a button and the test would run and show the results. Wondermus.

The vendor offered a class in Orlando, Florida and the company sent me. I was already having issues with being in public and kept pretty much to myself when not in class. The other students went off doing the usual thing one does in Orlando. I knew there was a Temple in Orlando and decided I would override my fears and take a chance. I got directions, verified the directions, rented a car and verified the directions. The rental car folks came and got me and took me to the rental place. I filled out the paperwork and verified the directions.

It really was simple, something like go to this light make a left keep going till you run into it. Easy right? Unless your me feeling like the world is squeezing the breath out of you. So , drive, light, turn left, keep on going. This was a main street through town with so many buildings and I had no idea what the Temple looked like. I went as slow as I could within the limit, you know like some jerk in front of you does sometimes. I look right, a church, beautiful stained glass and not the Temple. I look left, a church, beautiful architecture and not the Temple. All along this street, huge churches. I feel the spirit but none of them is the Temple.

The buildings begin to thin out and now I'm wondering if I missed it. The road starts to rise in a slow hill. I'm feeling it now. My heart, my chest burns. I can't help it, I start to cry, I haven't even seen it yet but I know it's there. Over the rise, it's dark now and I see the lights. Down the rise, I see it, the Orlando Temple. I'm crying so hard now I can hardly drive. It's is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I'm thinking, how can anyone look at this and not know that it is the House of the Lord. How?

I park the car, go inside. I am crying so hard I'm trying not to hyperventilate. The Temple matrons come to me asking if I'm okay. Oh yeah I'm okay. I sit, gather my thoughts and try to calm down. I want to do a session but the last one just started. There is other work to do and the matrons lead me to where I need to go. My heart burns, I feel the spirit so strong, stronger than I ever have. As the work is done I'm crying, I have the Temple workers crying the other sisters there are crying. It's getting late now and the Temple workers are saying we have to wrap it up. It's the last one. Oh that feeling when you feel acceptance, and you know the work you have done is not in vain. One of the Temple workers lays her hand on my arm and says "I feel that you will serve in the Temple someday". Oh the joy I felt, to have the blessing of serving in the Temple in my future.

Oh the joy doesn't even come close to the feelings I had while I was in the House of the Lord. This memory reminds me that I am a Child of God and that I have work to do.

I tried to upload a pic of the Orlando Temple but had some difficulties. I'll work on that. If you want to see the Orlando Temple and the other LDS Temples you can get to them from the link I added to your right.

1 comment:

Lara said...

How awesome! Thanks for sharing that! I love the feeling I get when I look at those temples! And you're exactly right- how can they not know???